
Morning Session: INALCO, amphithéâtre 7 

9h00 - 9h15 - Welcome by organisers


9h15 - 9h45 - Typological approaches to Arabic Dialects: an introduction (Bruno Herin, Stefano Manfredi & Christophe Pereira)

9h45 - 10h15 - Towards a typology of agreement in Arabic languages (Simone Bettega)

10h15 - 10h45  - The typology of adjectival attributes in Arabic dialects (Stephan Procházka)


10h45 - 11h15 - Coffee break


11h15 - 11h45 - Existential predication and predicative possession typology in Arabic dialects (Denis Creissels)

11h45 - 12h15 From deixis to information structure and complex clauses: The contribution of Yafi‘ Arabic to the typology of the grammaticalization of deictic devices (Martine Vanhove)

12h15 - 12 h45The typology of progressive constructions in Arabic dialects (Zeineb Sellami)


13h00 - 15h00 - Lunch break



Afternoon Session: INALCO, amphithéâtre 6  

15h00 - 15h30  - The typology of negation in Arabic dialects (Christopher Lucas

15h30 - 16h00 Sémantisme des verbes et types de construction des complétives. Réflexions à partir du ḥassāniyya et comparaisons interdialectales (Catherine Taine-Cheikh)

16h00 - 16h30Observations on a valency-decreasing process (Julie Hasle)

16h30 - 17h00 - Lexical typology and the substrata of Arabic dialects (Lameen Souag)


17h00 - 17:h30 - Concluding discussion


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